Legal Disclaimer
The lawyer informs the reader of this website that any stated verdicts and results are real, but the verdicts may have been reduced by courts in Kansas, comparative fault findings, caps on damages and other legal reasons after the verdict has been entered by a jury. The verdicts are further reduced by attorney fees and expense, so the client has not received the total amount of any stated verdict or settlement result. The settlements are real amounts but have reductions for legal fees and expenses which are not shown.
Every case will have a different amount based upon the damages, liability, negligence, insurance limitations applicable to each particular case and levels of available uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance coverage. Every case is different. Similar results may not be obtained in your case. Our past performance is no guarantee of future results in your case.
Any information contained in this website is solely for informational purposes only and is not intended to nor does it convey any attorney-client relationship with you. In order to receive a legal consultation, you must contact our law firm and speak to one of our lawyers to actually obtain legal advice about your case and the applicable statute of limitations.
You should not rely on the information contained in this site as accurate without speaking to one of our lawyers due to the significant case by case differences in every legal case with its unique set of facts, so it is impossible to give accurate legal information until we know the entire set of facts that are applicable to your case.
The content on this website is meant to be current, however, law changes daily so you should not rely on this information without checking personally with one of our lawyers to see what changes have recently been made to the law. This law firm and website disclaims all express or implied warranties and makes no warranty either express or implied. This firm and website expressly disclaim any liability due to your action or inaction by reading the website and failing to personally talk to one of our lawyers.
In our commercials, website, YouTube, and other media presence, actors portray real clients. The animated Bull symbolizes the Firm and is not intended to depict a real attorney. Responsible attorneys: Brad Pistotnik and Tony Atterbury.